In Master 1 you hold a psychology license. You can access right in Master 1 psychology. You have different degrees, personal or professional experience. You can request access to Master 1 of psychology by including the process of validating the acquis. In master 2 you hold a Master 1 psychology or equivalent. You can apply in Master 2 psychology of neurocognitive processes and affective sciences. You have different degrees, a strong personal or professional experience. You can apply for a Master's degree in neurocognitive and emotional processes psychology by including the acquis validation form. Application modalities in Master 2 the application dossier which includes:-The course of study and the results obtained (attach the description and the transcripts of notes),-a letter of motivation and CV-the research papers and the internship reports-the place of internship P Tulsa and reviewed for the Master-proof of experience (e.g. contract of employment) and any document that can attest to the experiences acquired maintenance if your application is selected, you will be called to an interview in which you will report Your motivation and the validity of your project.